Business & Work Teams
Appropriate communication systems and skills are essential to the success of any business. In today’s hectic world where collaboration and virtual teams are commonplace, productivity can be directly related to relationships between team members.
Workplace disagreements are often found to have emerged from simple misunderstandings. Other types of conflicts also arise, and if not addressed and resolved quickly, can result in dissension, low morale, and a high staff turnover rate – all of which impact on your bottom line.
Colette Squires and Associates provide services to maximize productivity by ensuring that work groups have the skills and strategies to communicate in clear, healthy ways, and to resolve differences without conflict. We provide:
- assessments to determine your current situation;
- mediation to resolve any past issues that are still impacting on performance;
- customized training to managers and staff to minimize the number of conflicts that arise; and to identify, manage and quickly resolve any difficult situations that do arise;
- coaching and support for managers and team leaders; and,
- follow up assessments to measure improvements and make recommendations for any further enhancements that may be beneficial.
Click here for more information on:
- Interest-based mediation
- Facilitated dialogue
- Group facilitation
- Restorative practices in workplace settings
- Restorative Mediation
- Training
To discuss how we might assist your business to be more productive and profitable, contact us or please call 604-309-7319.
Client Testimonials
“Excellent professional appearance and attitude. I really enjoyed the overall experience. I liked the way Colette modified the way each coaching session went, depending on the content. I also liked the positive energy.”
— Coaching Client
“I felt like Colette could see right through into the deepest part of the situation—she is really intuitive about what is going on. She helped us see what the other person was trying to say when we couldn’t communicate well with each other, and that helped us understand each other better. She gently but persistently moved us towards greater self-awareness and self-examination, without triggering defensiveness or defiance.”
— Mediation Client