Colette Squires & Associates
Mediation • Consulting • Restorative Justice

Schools & Youth Organizations

Teaching children and youth concrete ways to maintain respectful relationships is a critical step in their development of the social skills necessary for positive personal relationships and career success. Learning these skills also helps to avoid family conflict, bullying, and criminal activities.

Our services for schools and youth groups includes restorative practices and conflict resolution between individuals, the development of conflict resolution and restorative action programs, and training for both adults and students.

Click here for more information on Training

Click here for more information on Restorative Action.

To inquire in confidence about our services, contact us or please call 604-309-7319.

Client Testimonials

“Colette Squires was an excellent coach.  She provided excellent feedback and gave examples to illustrate other approaches.  She motivated me to learn; she provided constructive feedback and offered encouragement.”

— Leadership coaching client

“Excellent professional appearance and attitude.  I really enjoyed the overall experience.  I liked the way Colette modified the way each coaching session went, depending on the content.  I also liked the positive energy.”

— Coaching Client