Colette Squires & Associates
Mediation • Consulting • Restorative Justice

INDIGENOUS Organizations

First Nations groups and indigenous organizations play a special role in our nation, helping facilitate growth, healing, and a positive future for their people.

Colette Squires and Associates provide culturally sensitive services and supports to a variety of indigenous groups, helping them reach their goals.  Services include program design and proposal writing, training, group facilitation, and conflict resolution strategies.  Processes are customized to the unique traditions and cultural practices of the group.

Click here for more information on Training

Client Testimonials

“Very informative and thought provoking”
“You have a natural gift of speaking and teaching.”
“Your expertise, your passion and your engagement are so appealing!
"You’re really a fantastic lecturer!”
“Inspiring and engaging”

— Training Participants

“Excellent professional appearance and attitude.  I really enjoyed the overall experience.  I liked the way Colette modified the way each coaching session went, depending on the content.  I also liked the positive energy.”

— Coaching Client